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Ciclo: XXXIX 

Curriculum: Aerospace Engineering 

Title of the PhD Project: Enhancing turbulence modeling with Machine Learning 

Supervisor(s): Prof.ssa Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Prof. Alessandro Mariotti 

In collaboration with: Numerical Mathematics Lab in Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Sant’Anna; Large Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics Group in Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

Abstract of the PhD project:

The recent technological development in computational sciences is nowadays skyrocketing our capabilities to implement Machine Learning algorithms. From the other side, we all know that fluid mechanics has traditionally dealt with very large amounts of data coming from experiments, field measurements and large-scale numerical simulations. Given this large availability of data, we expect that Machine Learning will provide a very smart framework that can be tailored to address many challenges, one above all, the closure of turbulence modelling. This research project will be led by the need of building up a Machine Learning framework to be physics-based, interpretable and generalizable. It will explore both the possibility of improving the flow solution within a Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes approach under the Boussinesq’s assumption and the wall modeling in a Large-Eddy Simulation framework.


  • Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Universitée Libre de Bruxelles, Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics: Analysis, Modeling, Control and Closures, Brussels, 2024 January 29th – February 2nd.
  • ERCOFTAC, Workshop on Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics, 6th - 8th March 2024, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
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