
The purpose of the curriculum in Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety of the PhD course in Industrial Engineering is to improve and extend the student's training in the field of nuclear engineering. During the PhD course, the student will carry out innovative research in the field of nuclear energy: this is the most intensive form of energy we possess nowadays, and it is a precious gift to be developed in the benefit of mankind. Indeed, nuclear fission (today) and nuclear fusion (tomorrow) allow the production of energy with a minimum involvement of materials and wastes.

The PhD activity offers collaborations with leading nuclear companies and research centers, experiences abroad and professional opportunities. At the end of the PhD course, the acquired skills and knowledge will grant high receptivity in the European and Italian market with the possibility to access to important roles in organizations or industries involved in nuclear activities. A strong link with the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) and the European Fusion Education Network (FuseNet) exists to facilitate these exchanges.

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The main topics of the PhD research are:

  • Nuclear plants;
  • Nuclear safety and security;
  • Nuclear fusion;
  • Nuclear reactor physics;
  • Nuclear constructions and materials;
  • Decommissioning and radioactive waste management;
  • Nuclear Measurements and Radiation protection;
  • Industrial and medical applications of ionizing radiations.

See the following links for a presentation of the different research areas and laboratories involved in the PhD nuclear curriculum at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pisa:

Nuclear Thermo-hydraulics simulation laboratory:

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