Scientific coordinator of the curriculum: Prof. Maria Beatrice Coltelli
Student representative: Lorenzo Guidi
The doctoral curriculum in Chemical and Materials Engineering investigates new sustainable chemical processes with high efficiency and selectivity, processes and technologies for waste valorisation and product innovation, applications in the energy sector, development of innovative materials, chemistry and hydrogen technology, technologies for the valorisation and confinement of carbon dioxide, modelling of process systems and plants.
The chemical engineering approach is generally multiscale. The main goal of this approach is to connect the understanding of the physical and chemical aspects at a very small scale (nanoscale or molecular) with the observable performance of macroscopic systems used by society, in particular by the chemical and process industry. This curriculum aims to train highly qualified personnel with a mentality oriented towards innovation in the field of chemical and materials engineering.
Clicking on the links here below you can read an interesting presentation of the research areas and a description of the laboratories of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering connected to this curriculum
Chemical Engineering: (link provvisorio in quanto manca la pagina in inglese)
Materials and Nanotechnology: