marchetti letizia

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Curriculum: Chemical and Materials Engineering 

Title of the PhD Project: Chemical recycling of plastic waste materials

Supervisor: Prof. Cristiano Nicolella

In collaboration with Alpha Trading and Consorzio Polo Tecnologico Magona

Abstract of the PhD project:

The exponential growth of plastic waste production poses significant challenges to both waste management and environmental sustainability. In response to this critical issue, recycling methods, notably pyrolysis, have arisen as viable solutions for transforming plastic waste into value-added products, serving either as chemicals or fuels. This process entails the controlled thermal decomposition of plastics in an oxygen-deprived environment, yielding three distinct phases: solid, liquid, and gaseous. Therefore, this PhD project aims to contribute to the development of a two-stage plastic solid waste pyrolysis. In this regard, the experimental results are collected with laboratory tests in a two-step pyrolysis setup. More in detail, different plastic solid wastes are characterized and tested with the experimental setup, in order to study the effect of materials, operative conditions, and experimental design on the co-products. The collected data are the starting point for modeling industrial processes and analysing different scenarios. Every scenario is subjected to the evaluation of GHG emissions and Technical-Economic analysis.

Teaching experience:

Fondo Giovani 2022/2023 per l’incentivazione delle attività di tutorato, didattiche-integrative, propedeutiche e di recupero, Insegnamento: OPERAZIONI UNITARIE, CdL: LM. Ingegneria Chimica (10h).



  • Marchetti L., Guastaferro M., Annunzi F., Tognotti L., Nicolella C., Vaccari M, Two-stage thermal pyrolysis of plastic solid waste: Set-up and operative conditions investigation for gaseous fuel production, Waste Management 179, 77 – 86 (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2024.03.011
  • Marchetti L., Siniscalco E., Antognoli M., Masoni S.T., Mauri R., Galletti C., Brunazzi E., Using a Microdevice to Generate Alginate Droplets in Sunflower Oil, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 100, 319 – 324 (2023) DOI: 10.3303/CET23100054


  • 16th International Conference and Process Engineering (ICHEAP) 16-AIDIC, 21-24Th May 2023, Naples, Participant
  • 31st European Biomass Conference (EUBCE31), 5-8Th June 2023, Bologna/Online, Participant
  • XVIII International Conference on Waste-to-Energy Technology and Pyrolysis (ICWETP), 5-6Th February 2024, (Barcellona-Online), Oral Presentation
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