jaskaran singh


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Curriculum: Ingegneria Aerospaziale

Title of the PhD Project: Digital Twins in Fluid-dynamics (Borsa a tema sui finanziamenti PNRR (decreto n.3138/2021) Centri Nazionali CN1-Spoke 6)

Supervisor(s): Prof.ssa Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Prof. Alessandro Mariotti

In collaboration with: University of Pisa and Monasterio, BioCardioLab, BioEngineering Unit, Ospedale del Cuore, Massa

Abstract of the PhD project: Cardiovascular diseases are a major point of concern in the medical field over the last few decades because of a constant increase in the number of people affected by it. There has been an increasing use of numerical simulations and experimental investigations to understand the hemodynamics of cardiovascular vessels on patient-specific basis. The general purpose of the research activity is to apply the concept of Augmented Digital Twins in the hemodynamic field on patient-specific level. It consists in using digital clinical in-vivo data with Computational Fluid-Dynamic (CFD) simulations and in-vitro experiments. These techniques are already validated in the research field, but they have found minimal applications in the hospitals because of the high computational costs and the need of a special figure to carry out the CFD and experimental studies. For this reason, the workflow developed should be simple to use by the doctors, and the results need to be reliable to reduce gradually the existing gap between clinical and engineering approaches. The case of study consists in patient-specific thoracic aorta and carotids and the research is done in a collaboration between University of Pisa and Monasterio, BioCardioLab, Bioengineering Unit at Heart Hospital of Massa.

Working period in external companies/foundations or foreign study period:

  • Currently, working on experimental studies in hemodynamics at the Monasterio, BioCardioLab, BioEngineering Unit, Ospedale del Cuore, Massa.

Teaching experience:

  • Strumenti di analisi numerica per l’Ingegneria Biomedica (WIB-LM - INGEGNERIA BIOMEDICA [LM]), Prof. A. Mariotti, Prof.ssa M.V. Salvetti, Prof. E. Vignali: support to Prof. A. Mariotti for the presentation of CFD/FSI software with practical examples (April 2023, 1h).
  • Strumenti di analisi numerica per l’Ingegneria Biomedica (WIB-LM - INGEGNERIA BIOMEDICA [LM]), Prof. A. Mariotti, Prof.ssa M.V. Salvetti, Prof. E. Vignali: support to Prof. A. Mariotti for the presentation of CFD/FSI software with practical examples (April 2024, 1h).


Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58317837200&origin=recordpage (es.

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9966-3063


  • Mariotti, A.; Vignali, E.; Gasparotti, E.; Morello, M.; Singh, J.; Salvetti, M.V.; Celi, S. (2023), "In Vitro Analysis of the Hemodynamics in the Ascending Thoracic Aorta: Sensitivity to the Experimental Setup". Applied Sciences, 13(8), 5095, DOI:10.3390/app13085095.
  • Accepted for publishing: Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Fanni, B.M.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M.V.; Celi, S., "Towards the prediction of plaque onset and growth in carotid arteries", JTAM.


  • IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC). "Simulation of patient-specific atherosclerotic plaque growth in the carotid arteries"; Salvetti, M.V.; Morello, M.; Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Garzia, S.; Mariotti, A.; Celi, S., 22nd-25th April 2023, Cannes, France.
  • WECM’23 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics. "Numerical simulations to predict the onset of atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries"; Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Fanni, B.M.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M.V.; Celi, S., 20th-22nd September 2023, Pisa, Italy.
  • APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 76th Annual Meeting: "Effect of the carotid geometry on the onset of atherosclerotic plaques"; Salvetti, M.V.; Singh, J.; Innocenti, A.; Capellini, K.; Mariotti, A.; Celi, S., 19th-21st Novembre 2023, Washington DC, United States of America.
  • Workshop Spoke 6 Multiscale modelling & Engineering Applications Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing: Flagship Project FP3 Computational Fluid Dynamics, "Uncertainty Quantification for CFD"; Mariotti, A.; Lamioni, R.; Innocenti, A.; Singh, J.; Fruzza, F.; Pucciarelli, A.; Landucci, G.; Lo Frano, R.; Galletti, C.; Salvetti, M.V. – Università di Pisa; Ciottoli, P.P.; Malpica Galassi, R. – Università di Roma La Sapienza, 22nd-23rd February 2024, Rome, Italy.
  • SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24), UQ for Complex Simulations Involving Fluids, Structures, and their Interactions (MS10): "Stochastic Analysis of the Sensitivity of Atherosclerotic Plaque Onset in Carotids to Vessel Geometry"; Salvetti, M.V.; Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Celi, S., 27th February-1st March 2024, Trieste, Italy.


  • Young Ercoftac Montestigliano Spring School for Graduate Students. "Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics", 15th-22nd April 2023, Montestigliano, Italy.


  • WECM'23 Best Paper Award in Fluid Dynamics at WECM’23 2nd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics. "Numerical simulations to predict the onset of atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries"; Singh, J.; Capellini, K.; Fanni, B.M.; Mariotti, A.; Salvetti, M.V.; Celi, S., 20th-22nd September 2023, Pisa, Italy.
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