romanelli lorenzo

Lorenzo Romanelli | LinkedIn

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Curriculum: Veicoli terrestri e sistemi di trasporto

Title of the PhD Project: Advanced fatigue models applied to traditional and  additive manufacturing materials, including the effects of plasticity 

Supervisor(s) Prof. Ciro Santus, Prof. Bernardo Disma Monelli

Abstract of the PhD project: Classical ductile and traditional materials may undergo cyclic plasticity under fatigue loadings in the presence of notches, thus a reliable description of the hardening behaviour of the material is necessary to model the cyclic plastic behaviour. The aim of the PhD project regarding the “traditional” materials is the combination of a proper hardening rule and advanced fatigue models, such as critical plane criteria and the theory of critical distances, to accurately describe the experimental fatigue results. On the other hand, the new additive manufacturing technologies allow the production of complex geometries by reducing the waste of material, but the obtained specimens generally present internal defects and considerable surface roughness. The aim of the PhD project regarding additive manufacturing materials is the development of a model that includes the effect of internal defects, the effect of surface roughness and the effect of geometrical notches, thus leading to a correct interpretation of the experimental fatigue results.  


Romanelli, Lorenzo - Author details - Scopus

Orcid: 0000-0001-6484-5051


1. Santus C., Romanelli L., Grossi T., Neri P., Romoli L., Lutey A.H.A., Pedranz M., Benedetti M., Torsional-loaded notched specimen fatigue strength prediction based on mode I and mode III critical distances and fracture surface investigations with a 3D optical profilometer. Int J Fatigue 2022;161:106913.

2. Santus C., Romanelli L., Grossi T., Bertini L., Benedetti M., Le Bone L., Chiesi F., Tognarelli L., Procedura di determinazione dei parametri di Chaboche di un acciaio con comportamento elasto-plastico in regime di fatica ad alto numero di cicli. Atti di convegno congresso nazionale AIAS 2022 (Padova)

3. Santus C, Grossi T, Romanelli L, Pedranz M, Benedetti M. A computationally fast and accurate procedure for the identification of the Chaboche isotropic-kinematic hardening model parameters based on strain-controlled cycles and asymptotic ratcheting rate. Int J Plast 2023;160:103503. 2022.103503.

4. Santus C, Romanelli L, Grossi T, Bertini L, Neri P, Bone LL, Chiesi F, Tognarelli L. Investigation of chaboche and Bouc–Wen parameters of quenched and tempered steel and comparison of model predictive capabilities. Appl Sci 2023;13(5):2961.

5. Santus C, Romanelli L, Grossi T, Bertini L, Bone LL, Chiesi F, Tognarelli L. Elastic–plastic analysis of high load ratio fatigue tests on a shot-peened quenched and tempered steel, combining the Chaboche model and the Theory of Critical Distances. Int J Fatigue 2023;174:107713. 2023.107713.

6. Santus, C.; Romanelli, L.; Burchianti, A.; Inoue, T. Resonant Fatigue Tests on Drill Pipe Connections with Different Geometries and Sizes. Applied Sciences 2023, 13, 8006.

7. Romanelli L., Grossi T., Analisi elastoplastica di prove di fatica ad elevato rapporto di carico su acciaio bonificato e pallinato, combinando il modello di Chaboche e la teoria della distanza critica. Atti di convegno congresso nazionale AIAS 2023 (Genova)

8. Macoretta, G.; Romanelli, L.; Santus, C.; Romoli, L.; Lutey, A.H.A.; Uriati, F.; Nicoletto, G.; Raghavendra, S.; Benedetti, M.; 555 Monelli, B.D. Modelling of the surface morphology and size effects on fatigue strength of L-PBF Inconel 718 by comparing 556 different testing specimens. International Journal of Fatigue 2024, 181, 108120.

9. Santus C., Romanelli L., Grossi T., Neri P., Analysis on the determination of Chaboche and Bouc-Wen parameters for a quenched and tempered steel. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (accepted for publication).


1. International Conference on Plasticity Damage and Fracture 2023, 3-9 January 2023, Barcelo Bavaro Resort, Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), Invited speech.

2. 53-esimo Congresso AIAS (Associazione Italiana Analisi delle Sollecitazioni), 6-9 Settembre 2023, Genova.

3. 2nd WECM (Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics), 20-22 Settembre 2023, Pisa


1. Best Paper award in experimental solid mechanics (2nd WECM (Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics), 20-22 Settembre 2023, Pisa)

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