palermo vincenzo

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Ciclo: 39

Curriculum: Automotive

Title of the PhD Project:

Incorporating Minimum Lap-Time Strategies into Driver-in-the-Loop Simulations for Performance Enhancement


Marco Gabiccini, Massimo Guiggiani

In collaboration with

Dallara Automobili

Abstract of the PhD project:

My PhD research focuses on integrating Minimum Lap-Time Software (MLTS) into Driver-in-the-Loop (DiL) simulations, with the purpose of refining virtual driving experiences. MLTS, based on optimal control theory, optimizes lap times by formulating them as Optimal Control Problems (OCP). By integrating MLTS into DiL environments, we aim to improve simulation fidelity and gain insights into driving behaviors. Through analysis of driving inputs and lap-time metrics, we seek to identify driving styles patterns, facilitating customized driver training programs.

Teaching experience:




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