centrone antonia


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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonia-centrone-bb10b2160/

Cycle: XXXIX

Curriculum: Mechanical Engineering

Title of the PhD Project:

“Development of in silico procedures for the evaluation of pathologies and optimization of treatments”


Francesca Di Puccio (University of Pisa) and Valentina Camomilla (University of Rome, “Foro Italico”)

Abstract of the PhD project:

Her research topic concerns new procedures for evaluating human movement in the rehabilitation field.  The marker-based systems, which are considered the gold standard for motor pattern quantification, involve the use of stereophotogrammetric systems, for determining kinematic parameters, and force platforms for kinetic variables. These devices can provide subject-specific quantities (such as joint angles/torques/powers, velocities/accelerations, etc.) related to gait, balance, and also other tests in sports (e.g. countermovement jump, drop jump), providing clinicians with objective data to assess progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly. However, it is time-consuming for subject preparation and data processing before clinicians can interpret the results. New methods based on marker-less systems allow for continuous monitoring of movement patterns even outside clinical settings, also ensuring more natural tasks performed by subjects (especially if they are athletes). Furthermore, with musculoskeletal modelling, it is possible to estimate additional quantities, such as muscle activations and reaction forces to which joints are subjected during the specific motor task. So, the goal is to define new procedures based on marker-less systems, integrating the experimental activity and musculoskeletal modelling, both for neuromotor rehabilitation and for assessing sports performance.


A. Centrone, R.M. Viglialoro, A. Di Pietro, F. Di Puccio, “Biomechanical Analysis of the Cuban Motion”, Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, Dec-2023 (under review)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2666-2037Articles


  • Centrone, F. Di Puccio,Musculoskeletal analysis of two basic Latin American steps”, ISBS Congress, Salzburg, Austria, 15 - 19 July 2024
  • Centrone, R.M. Viglialoro, A. Di Pietro, F. Di Puccio, “Human motion analysis of Latin dancing”, ESB Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 June – 3 July 2024 (podium presentation)
  • Centrone, F. Di Puccio, “Comparison of pelvis and hip poses in different full-body models in Vicon-Nexus and OpenSim”, ESB Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 June – 3 July 2024 (poster presentation)


  • SIAMOC Workshop on inertial sensors for clinical mobility analysis: strategies for informed use . University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy, 22 February 2024.
  • Ninth Bohnes Colloquium, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy, 18-19 January 2024.
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