
Cycle: 38°

Curriculum: Nuclear and Industrial Safety Engineering


CV: Curriculum Vitae - Gianpaolo Roina.pdf

Orcid ID: 0009-0006-4627-4711

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Title of the PhD Project: Luminescent sensors with differential fading for exposure timestamp

Supervisors: Prof. Francesco d’Errico, Prof. Riccardo Ciolini

Abstract of the PhD project:                  

Various Nuclear Safeguards measures, including periodic on-site inspections, are applied at the international level to verify that nuclear materials are not used for forbidden purposes by the States that are signatories to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The need for maintaining the continuity of knowledge of safeguarded areas/items between two successive inspections has led to the development and implementation of containment and surveillance measures for unattended or remote monitoring. However, currently available dedicated devices are often made of complex electronic components and circuits, which make them potentially vulnerable to tampering and snooping. The objective of my research is to develop a passive, tamper-indicating device that should be able to record and, most importantly, timestamp an undeclared removal of radioactive material that can occur from a storage area. The differential time- and temperature-dependent signal loss occurring in peaks II and III of the thermoluminescent curve of LiF:Mg,Cu,P appears to serve the purpose adequately. A parallel investigation is underway on the kinetics of the charge transfer process originating the emission of light. There is evidence to suggest that a complementary approach can be introduced to reduce the uncertainty affecting estimations of the time elapsed since the irradiation event.



  • Roina, D. Siqueira Nascimento, R. Ciolini, F. D’Errico, “Luminescent sensors with differential fading for Nuclear Safeguards”, currently under review for publication on the European Physical Journal Plus (EPJ Plus) in the Focus Point on CBRNE Events: Prevention, Mitigation, Consequences and Recovery.
  • Roina, D. Siqueira Nascimento, R. Ciolini, F. D’Errico, “Luminescent sensors with differential fading for exposure timestamp”, currently under review for publication on Radiation Measurements - Special Issue “Proceedings of the 20th International Solid State Dosimetry Conference”.

Oral presentations at conferences:

  • Roina, D. Siqueira Nascimento, R. Ciolini, F. D’Errico, “Luminescent sensors with differential fading for Nuclear Safeguards”, 3rd Edition of the Scientific International Conference on CBRNe (SICC Series 2023), 25-29 September 2023, Rome (Italy).
  • Roina, D. Siqueira Nascimento, R. Ciolini, F. D’Errico, “Luminescent sensors with differential fading for exposure timestamp”, 20th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry (SSD20), 17-22 September 2023, Viareggio (Italy).
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